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Submit an article to Indago - a peer reviewed journal
Submit an article to Indago - a peer reviewed journal

David L. Bergman

David L. Bergman is the State Director for the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services’ Arizona Program.  David oversees a diverse program whose mission is to resolve human wildlife conflicts. As a Certified Wildlife Biologist, David focuses on predation management, predator ecology, wildlife diseases, aviation safety, and invasive species.

His career has taken him to southern Africa and Europe, throughout North and South America, and numerous indigenous nations. Products of his work include collaborative team building to resolve human wildlife conflicts and numerous publications related to wildlife damage management.

Currently, his projects are dedicated to resolving depredations due to endangered Mexican wolves, mitigating rabies spillover from bats to striped skunks, understanding vampire bat ecology, evaluating wildlife’s role in spreading zoonotic diseases to vegetable crops, impacts due to invasive Abert’s squirrels and feral swine, and mesocarnivore ecology in South Africa.