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Submit an article to Indago - a peer reviewed journal

Animal and Plant Systematics Articles


The Common Girdled Lizard (Cordylus vittifer) is a rock-dwelling reptile found in the South African provinces of Free State, North West, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, as well as in Eswatini and peripherally in Botswana and Mozambique. These lizards are characterised by a ‘girdle’ of thick protective scales, and the first row of scales behind the head forms a distinctive collar.

Imagine a living work of art, a miniature tree that evokes a sense of tranquillity and harmony with nature. Such is the allure of the bonsai tree, an enchanting creation that captures the hearts of nature enthusiasts and artists alike. Bonsai, derived from the Japanese words bon, meaning tray or pot, and sai, meaning planting, or to plant, is a centuries-old practice of growing and nurturing trees in shallow containers, transforming them into exquisite living sculptures.

Have you seen a snake in your garden recently? We are fortunate to have about 120 species of snakes in South Africa. As part of a citizen science initiative, the National Museum’s Animal and Plant Systematics Department – Herpetology Division is managing a Facebook group called Free State Reptiles and Amphibians (including adjacent areas and Lesotho) which seeks to gather photographic and videographic records of all reptiles and amphibians found in this region.

Sharon Holt, Beryl Wilson, Daryl Codron and Liora Kolska Horwitz.


Studies of leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) deaths in South Africa’s central interior have revealed the devastating role played by electric fences. Data on tortoise mortality show that adult female tortoises are especially vulnerable to electrocution, which in turn negatively impacts on reproduction and growth of the population.