The Tristan da Cunha Archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean comprises Gough Island, Tristan da Cunha, Nightingale Island, and Inaccessible Island. Gough Island, located about 350 km from the other islands, is approximately 2,700 km from Cape Town, South Africa, and 3,200 km from South America, making it one of the world’s most remote locations.
The concept of sojourn—encompassing temporary dwelling, the state of “in-between” worlds, and the undertaking of spiritual journeys—provides a critical framework for examining contemporary South African visual arts.
The Vhavenḓa, an indigenous group residing in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, are celebrated for their profound cultural practices and traditional crafts that embody their rich heritage. Their connection to their ancestral lands is not merely geographical; it is deeply intertwined with their spiritual beliefs and communal identity.
The production and exhibition of replicas of archaeological material were a very significant and serious enterprise by museums in the late nineteenth-century Europe. Replicas included plaster casts, watercolour copies, brass rubbings, paper mosaics, and from the 1850s onwards, photographs.
A diagnosis and an identification of a species or any other recognized taxon imply two distinct things. Essentially, the ability to identify a species is the ability to recognize individuals in the field, whether they are at Brakfontein Private Nature Reserve, Wesselsbron in the Free State or in the Melmoth area, KwaZulu-Natal, and to say what species they belong to.