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Submit an article to Indago - a peer reviewed journal
Submit an article to Indago - a peer reviewed journal

Dr Cora Sabriel Stobie

Dr Cora Sabriel Stobie is a Senior Museum Scientist in the Herpetology Department at the National Museum. She started workingat the Museum in May2019. Cora obtained her PhD degree (“Population genomics and phylogeography of South African Labeobarbus[Rüppel, 1835] species”) from the University of Pretoria in 2018.

She obtained her BSc and BSc Hons degreesat the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Cora has presented the results of her research at eight conferences locally and internationally.

Herinterests and expertise are primarily in genetics theory and techniques. She has a passion for frogs and is currently involved in a project investigating the phylogeny ofcrag lizards (Pseudocordylus).